The magic of becoming - few things can give a photographer as much pleasure and challenge at the same time as a shoot with the little ones. If you want to expand your portfolio to include children's photography or increase your expertise in this area, Brüggemann's training course is the right place for you! Ten lessons with over 350 PDF pages and numerous sample images: whether the focus is on the individual, together as a family, a few days young, gradually outgrowing the parental home, indoors at school and in the party room or outdoors in the great outdoors - with the right equipment, a professional approach and practical tips from an experienced professional photographer, you can create unique moments that parents and their children will look back on with fond memories.
A much sought-after area: children's photography. Expand your offer or enhance your pictures even further with the knowledge of an expert! For a grateful smile not only from the children, but also from your customers!