Photoshop styles are stored in ASL files. By importing them into your styles library, you can quickly and easily apply the associated effects to your own texts, shapes and graphics. Here's how to apply styles in Photoshop:
Import Photoshop styles (ASL files)
After you have downloaded individual content with Photoshop styles from and unpacked the ZIP files, double-click on the ASL files to import the styles into Photoshop. Alternatively, proceed as follows:
- Open the Styles panel via the Window menu.
- In the Styles panel, open the menu in the top right-hand corner and click on Load Styles...
- Select the styles (ASL files) on your computer that you want to import and click on Load.
- The styles are now available for use in the Styles panel.
Applying Photoshop styles
Select the layer or object to which you want to apply the style. It is best to adjust the size of your text or graphic as desired beforehand. Then click on the corresponding style in the Styles panel. The change is now visible.
After applying the style, the effect may not yet look the way you want it to. This may be because the appearance of the styles also depends on the size of your graphic elements. In such cases, you should scale the effects. To do this, right-click on Effects below your layer. In the context menu that opens, select Scale effects... By changing the scaling value, you can adjust all the effects that are responsible for the style.
Photoshop styles with fonts
In some Photoshop styles, we use certain fonts by default. In principle, you can use any font you want. If you still want to use the font we use and it is not yet available on your computer, take a look at how to find and install the fonts we use here.