In this article, we'll dive into the fascinating world of keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, these handy tips will greatly increase your productivity and efficiency when working with Google Docs. Keyboard shortcuts are not only time-saving tools, but also allow you to work smoother and faster without a mouse. From basic commands to advanced features, we cover everything you need to know to navigate through your documents like a pro. Get ready to revolutionize the way you work with Google Docs!

Table of contents

Frequently used actions

Description of actions Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Copy elementCommand + CCtrl + C
Cut elementCommand + XCtrl + X
Paste elementCommand + VCtrl + V
Insert unformatted textCommand + Shift + VCtrl + Shift + V
Undo actionCommand + ZCtrl + Z
Repeat actionCommand + Shift + ZCtrl + Shift + Z
Open window for linksCommand + KCtrl + K
Open selected linkOption + EnterAlt + Enter
Save documentCommand + SCtrl + S
Print documentCommand + PCtrl + P
Open documentsCommand + OCtrl + O
Start searchCommand + FCtrl + F
Search & replaceCommand + Shift + HCtrl + H
Find nextCommand + GCtrl + G
Create page breakCommand + EnterCtrl + Enter

Format text

Formatting Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Bold textCommand + BCtrl + B
Italic textCommand + ICtrl + I
Underlined textCommand + UCtrl + U
Strikethrough textCommand + Shift + XAlt + Shift + 5
Superscript textCommand + .Ctrl + .
Subscript textCommand + <Ctrl + ,
Enlarged textCommand + Shift + >Ctrl + Shift + .
Reduced font sizeCommand + Shift + ,Ctrl + Shift + ,

Format paragraphs

Format paragraphs Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Key combination (PC)
Increases the indent of the paragraphCommand + ]Ctrl + ]
Decreases the indent of the paragraphCommand + [Ctrl + [
Applies "Normal text" styleCommand + Option + 0Ctrl + Alt + 0
Applies style "Heading" (1-6)Command + Option + [1-6]Ctrl + Alt + [1-6]
Centers paragraphCommand + Shift + ECtrl + Shift + E
Aligns paragraph to the rightCommand + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + R
Aligns paragraph left-justifiedCommand + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + L
Creates justificationCommand + Shift + JCtrl + Shift + J
Creates numbered listCommand + Shift + 7Ctrl + Shift + 7
Creates a bulleted listCommand + Shift + 8Ctrl + Shift + 8
Creates checklistCommand + Shift + 9Ctrl + Shift + 9

Working with screen elements

Shortcut Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Calls up input window for Alt textControl + Option + YCtrl + Alt + Y
Enlarges objectCommand + Control + KCtrl + Alt + K
Shrinks objectCommand + Control + JCtrl + Alt + J
Enlarges object horizontallyCommand + Control + BCtrl + Alt + B
Shrinks object horizontallyCommand + Control + WCtrl + Alt + W
Enlarges object verticallyCommand + Control + ICtrl + Alt + I
Shrinks object verticallyCommand + Control + QCtrl + Alt + Q
Rotates object 15° clockwise or anti-clockwiseOption + right or left arrow keyAlt + Arrow key right or left
Rotates object 1° clockwise or anti-clockwiseOption + Shift + arrow key right or leftAlt + Shift + right or left arrow key

Working with comments

Comment Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Opens window for entering commentsCommand + Option + MCtrl + Alt + M
Opens current commentControl + Command (hold down) + E + CCtrl + Alt (hold down) + E + C
Opens comment historyCommand + Option + Shift + ACtrl + Alt + Shift + A

4 Select text

Select text Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Selects everythingCommand + ACtrl + A
Extends the selection by one characterShift + arrow key right or leftShift + right or left arrow key
Extends the selection by one lineShift + arrow key up or downShift + up or down arrow key
Extends the selection by one wordOption + Shift + right or left arrow keyCtrl + Shift + right or left arrow key
Extends the selection by one paragraphOption + Shift + up or down arrow keyAlt + Shift + up or down arrow key
Extends the selection to the beginning or end of the lineShift + Fn + left or right arrow keyShift + Pos1 or end
Extends the selection to the beginning or end of the documentCommand + Shift + up or down arrow keyCtrl + Shift + Pos1 or end

Navigate in the document

Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Displays the structure of the documentControl + Command (hold down) + A + HCtrl + Alt (hold down) + A + H
Switches to the next headingControl + Command (hold down) + N + HCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + H
Switches to the previous headingControl + Command (hold down) + P + HCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + H
Jumps to the next screen elementControl + Command (hold down) + N + GCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + G
Jumps to the previous screen elementControl + Command (hold down) + P + GCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + G
Jumps to the next listControl + Command (hold down) + N + OCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + O
Jumps to the previous listControl + Command (hold down) + P + OCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + O
Jumps to the next linkControl + Command (hold down) + N + LCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + L
Jumps to the previous linkControl + Command (hold down) + P + LCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + L
Jumps to the next bookmarkControl + Command (hold down) + N + BCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + B
Jumps to the previous bookmarkControl + Command (hold down) + P + BCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + B
Moves to the next commentControl + Command (hold down) + N + CCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + C
Switches to the previous commentControl + Command (hold down) + P + CCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + C

Call up helpful tools

Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Opens revision historyCommand + Option + Shift + HCtrl + Alt + Shift + H
Opens dictionaryCommand + Shift + YCtrl + Shift + Y
Counts wordsCommand + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + C
Starts voice input (only in Chrome browser)Shift + SCtrl + Shift + S
Opens spell/grammar checkerCommand + Option + XCtrl + Alt + X

Work with screen reader (please activate the screen reader function first)

Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Activates screen reader helpOption + Command + ZCtrl + Alt + Z
Activates Braille helpCommand + Option + HCtrl + Alt + H
Reads out selectionControl + Command (hold down) + A + XCtrl + Alt (hold down) + A + X
Reads out from cursor positionControl + Command (hold down) + A + RCtrl + Alt (hold down) + A + R
Announces cursor positionControl + Command (hold down) + A + LCtrl + Alt (hold down) + A + L
Reads out heading for table row and columnControl + Command + Shift (hold down) + T + HCtrl + Alt + Shift (hold down) + T + H
Reads out the heading of the table columnControl + Command + Shift (hold down) + T + CCtrl + Alt + Shift (hold down) + T + C
Reads out the heading of the table rowControl + Command + Shift (hold down) + T + RCtrl + Alt + Shift (hold down) + T + R
Reads out commentControl + Command (hold down) + A + CCtrl + Alt (hold down) + A + C
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Shortcuts for Google Docs - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance

Published on by Stefan Petri
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From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.