So, are you ready to get started with Adobe XD? Then you should definitely memorize the keyboard shortcuts! These little helpers will help you navigate through your projects, perform actions and optimize your design work in Adobe XD with ease. Don't worry, you don't have to learn them all at once - we'll take a relaxed approach. Let's take a look together at the useful keyboard shortcuts for Adobe XD and take your design workflow to the next level!

Table of Contents

General keyboard shortcuts

ExitCmd + QAlt + F4

Keyboard shortcuts for the "Edit" menu

UndoCmd + ZCtrl + Z
Redo⇧ + Cmd + ZCtrl + Shift + Z
CutCmd + XCtrl + X
CopyCmd + CCtrl + C
PasteCmd + VCtrl + V
Insert Appearance (in design mode) and Insert Interaction (in prototype mode)Cmd + Opt + VCtrl + Alt + V
DuplicateCmd + DCtrl + D
Select allCmd + ACtrl + A
Deselect all⇧+ Cmd + ACtrl + Shift + A

Keyboard shortcuts for the "File" menu

NewCmd + NCtrl + N
Open...Cmd + Shift + OCtrl + Shift + O
CloseCmd + WAlt + F4
Save...Cmd + SCtrl + S
Save as...⇧+ Cmd + SCtrl + Shift + S
Save locally...Opt + Shift + Cmd + SShift + Ctrl + Alt + S
Export selected elementsShift + Cmd + ECtrl + Shift + E
Export selected items onlyCmd + ECtrl + E
Export to third-party program (if a program integrated with XD is installed on your computer)Opt + Cmd + ENot available
ImportShift + Cmd + ICtrl + Shift + I

Keyboard shortcuts for path/drawing pen

Activate "Drawing pen" toolPP
Convert pointDouble-clickDouble-click
Asymmetrical control pointOptAlt
Align to control point angleShiftShift
Align to anchor point angleShiftShift
AddOpt + Cmd + UCtrl + Alt + U
SubtractOpt + Cmd + SCtrl + Alt + S
Form intersectionOpt + Cmd + ICtrl + Alt + I
Exclude overlapOpt + Cmd + XCtrl + Alt + X
Convert to pathCmd + 8Ctrl + 8

Keyboard shortcuts for layers (objects), groups, scroll groups and artboards

Group layersCmd + GCtrl + G
Ungroup layersShift + Cmd + GCtrl + Shift + G
Create componentCmd + KCtrl + K
Edit primary componentShift + Cmd + KShift + Ctrl + K
Back to previous instanceShift + Opt + KShift + Alt + K
Lock/unlock layersCmd + LCtrl + L
Hide/show layerCmd + ,Ctrl + ,
Mask with shapeShift + Cmd + MShift + Ctrl + M
Create repeating gridCmd + RCtrl + R
Select a layer in a group/component directlyClick on the layer on the workspace while holding down the Cmd keyClick on the layer on the workspace while holding down the Ctrl key
Change the opacity of the layer1 to 9 (0 for 100 %)1 to 9 (0 for 100 %)
Select the drawing areaHold down the Cmd key and click on an empty area of the drawing areaHold down the Ctrl key and click on an empty area of the drawing area
Draw shape from center pointOpt + dragAlt + drag
Draw shape with an aspect ratio of 1:1 (for squares/circles)Shift + dragShift + drag
Draw an equilateral triangleShift + dragShift + drag
Show/hide guides on the drawing areaCmd + ;Ctrl + ;
Lock guides on the drawing areaShift + Cmd + ;Shift + Ctrl + ;
Move element by 10 pixelsShift + arrow keysShift + arrow keys
Change the size of the element in steps of 1 pixelCmd + arrow keysAlt + arrow keys
Change the size of the element in steps of 10 pixelsCmd + Shift + arrow keysAlt + Shift + arrow keys
Selection across overlapping layersCmd + click on the titleCtrl + click on the title
Edit distanceOn workspace, move mouse pointer over object + SOn workspace, move mouse pointer over object + S
Mirror distance on the opposite sidesOpt + SAlt + S
Edit all pagesShift + SShift + S
Horizontal scrollingShift + Cmd + HShift + Alt + H
Vertical scrollingShift + Cmd + VShift + Alt + V
Horizontal and vertical scrollingShift + Cmd + DShift + Alt + D
Add color to "ElementsShift + Cmd + CShift + Ctrl + C
Rename layersCmd + Opt + RCtrl + Alt + R
Apply frame colors from the Libraries panel to elementsOpt + ClickAlt + Click
Expand/reduce in the "Libraries" control panelCmd + click on the arrowCtrl + click on the arrow

Keyboard shortcuts for alignment

LeftCtrl + Cmd + ←Ctrl + Shift + ←
Centered (horizontal)Ctrl + Cmd + CShift + C
RightCtrl + Cmd + →Ctrl + Shift + →
TopCtrl + Cmd + ↑Ctrl + Shift + ↑
Center (vertical)Ctrl + Cmd + MShift + M
BottomCtrl + Cmd + ↓Ctrl + Shift + ↓

Keyboard shortcuts for arranging

To the foregroundShift + Cmd + ]Shift + Ctrl + ]
Step forwardCmd + ]Ctrl + ]
Step backwardsCmd + [Ctrl + [
Into the backgroundShift + Cmd + [Shift + Ctrl + [

Keyboard shortcuts for distributing

HorizontalCtrl + Cmd + HCtrl + Shift + H
VerticalCtrl + Cmd + VCtrl + Shift + V

Keyboard shortcuts for working with text

BoldCmd + BCtrl + B
ItalicCmd + ICtrl + I
UnderlineCmd + UCtrl + U
Enlarge fontShift + Cmd + >Ctrl + Shift + .
Reduce font sizeShift + Cmd + <Ctrl + Shift + ,

Keyboard shortcuts for the "Operations" menu

From the center pointOptAlt
Copy and paste objectOpt + dragAlt + drag
Edit textEnter keyEnter key
Limit rotation to 15-degree incrementsShift (15 °)Shift (15 °)
Draw lines and limit rotation to 45 degree incrementsShift (45°)Shift (45°)
Draw objects from their centerShift + OptShift + Alt + S
Direct selectionCmdCtrl
Switch between design and prototype modeCtrl + TabCtrl + Tab

Keyboard shortcuts for tools

Drawing penPP
Drawing areaAA
ZoomActivate zoom mode: ZActivate zoom mode: Z

Keyboard shortcuts for the user interface and display options

Switch to design modeOpt + 1Alt + 1
Switch to prototype modeOpt + 2Alt + 2
Switch to release modeOpt + 3Alt + 3
Zoom inCmd + ,Opt + mouse wheel
Zoom outCmd + "-"Opt + mouse wheel
Zoom to selectionCmd + 3Ctrl + 3
Zoom to display everythingCmd + 0Ctrl + 0
100 %Cmd + 1Ctrl + 1
200 %Cmd + 2Ctrl + 2
MoveSpace barSpacebar
ElementsShift + Cmd + YCtrl + Shift + Y
LayersCmd + YCtrl + Y
Show layout gridShift + Cmd + 'Shift + Ctrl + '
Show grid boxesCmd + 'Ctrl + '
Full screen modeCtrl + Cmd + FNot available
Switch between design and prototype modeCtrl + TabCtrl + Tab
Switch between windows (files)Cmd + tilde (~)Not available
Increase or decrease the value in a field by 1↑ or ↓↑ or ↓
Increase or decrease the value in a field by 10Shift + ↑ or Shift + ↓Shift + ↑ or Shift + ↓

Keyboard shortcuts for the "Window" menu

MaximizeNot availableWindows + ↑
MinimizeCmd + MWindows + ↓
PreviewCmd + ⏎Ctrl + Enter

Keyboard shortcuts for process changes

Move horizontallyShift + mouse wheelShift + mouse wheel
Vertical movementMouse wheelMouse wheel

Keyboard shortcuts for selecting and measuring distances between elements

Activate distancesOpt (with object selected)Alt (for selected object)
Distance from the selected layerHold down the Opt key and move the mouse pointer over the object/group/drawing areaHold down the Alt key and move the mouse pointer over the object/group/drawing area
Relative distance to the selected groupPress Opt + Cmd and move the mouse pointer over an object in the groupPress Ctrl + Alt and move the mouse pointer over an object in the group

Keyboard shortcuts for design specifications

ZoomCmd + mouse wheelCmd + "+", Cmd + "-" or Ctrl + mouse wheel, Ctrl + "+", Ctrl + "-"
Reset zoomCmd + 0Ctrl + 0
Move↑, ↓, →, ←Space bar + click and drag, ↑, ↓, →, ←, Space bar + click and drag
Faster movementShift + ↑, ↓, →, ←Shift + ↑, ↓, →, ←
Remove the focus from the drawing area in the design specification viewEscEsc
Navigate between linked artboardsShift + clickShift + Click

Keyboard shortcuts for editing vectors

Start editing the selected vector objectEnter keyEnter key
Finish editing the selected vector objectEscEsc
Switch between straight and mirrored control pointsDouble-clickDouble-click
Disconnect control point handleOpt + dragAlt + drag

Keyboard shortcuts for prototyping

Show all connections in prototype modeCmd + ACtrl + A
Hide all wiringOptAlt
PreviewCmd + EnterCtrl + Enter
Start or stop recording the previewCmd + Ctrl + RNot available
Stop recordingEscNot available
Navigate to drawing areas in the preview window or a shared prototypeArrow right or arrow left (→ or ←)
Create a new line in the comment field of the shared prototype linkEnter key or Shift + EnterEnter key or Shift + Enter
Send comment entered in the comment field of the prototype linkCmd + EnterCtrl + Enter

10 of the best tips and tricks for Adobe XD

  1. Use character repetitions: If you design recurring elements such as menus or buttons, use character repetitions. Changes in one character are automatically applied to all instances.
  2. Prototyping and interactions: Adobe XD allows you to create prototypes with interactive elements. You can link screens, add transitions and run user tests to optimize the user experience.
  3. Use components: Create components for recurring UI elements. If you make a change to a component, it will be updated in all instances, saving time and ensuring consistency.
  4. Area nesting: Organize your design file by nesting frames inside each other. This keeps the workspace tidy and helps you maintain an overview.
  5. Working with plugins: Adobe XD supports plugins that allow you to add additional features. Check the available plugins to extend your workflow.
  6. Restore deleted elements: If you have accidentally deleted an element, you can restore it with the key combination "Ctrl/Cmd + Z".
  7. Pixel-perfect alignment: Use the "Shift" key to align elements with pixel precision while dragging or scaling them.
  8. Responsive Design: Adobe XD allows you to create designs for different screen sizes. Use the Responsive Resize feature to make sure your design looks good on different devices.
  9. Comments and feedback : When sharing your design with others, use Adobe XD's commenting feature to get feedback and track changes.
  10. Learn shortcuts: Finally, it's always a good idea to learn the most important keyboard shortcuts to work faster. You can use the standard Adobe XD shortcuts or customize them according to your own preferences.

Shortcuts Adobe XD - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance

Published on by Stefan Petri
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From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.